15. I met at 8 oclok at the H. O. prayer room & I anointed
James Agee Smith Aged 80 years who has 200 of his posterity
living on the Earth. He was from Tennessee & a litteral descendant
of John Smith whose life was saved by Pocchontas one of his
Sons with 4 wives was Anointed in the Endowment House By Br
D. H. Wells at 3 oclok
Eunice Woodruff Mary Giles & Rebeca Brown were sealed to Wilford Woodruff sen
By H C Kimball^
I went to the Endowment House & we gave Endowments to
44 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 6 couple G Q Cannon 19
& W Woodruff 16. I met at the H. O. Porayer room at
3 oclok & I anointed Thomas Richardson & 2 wives one
living & one dead. I received a letter from G Q. Cannon
Editor of the Juvinile Instructor which created some
sensation on its reception I attended the Theater in the
Evening & herd Panuncefort in the Great Irish Play Arrah-
Na Pogue ^H C Kimball sealed Phebe W Woodruff to Wilford Woodruff
as proxy For Bulah & Azubah Woodruff to Aphek Woodruff^
Wilford Woodruff & Phebe W. Carter Woodruff
were sealed at the Altar at the Endowment House S L City under
the Hands of Heber C. Kimball For and in behalf of
Aphek Woodruff & Azubah Bulah Thompson Woodruff
& Azubuh Hart Woodruff the Mother & Step Mother
sealed to the Father of Wilford Woodruff
June 15 1867 The Following persons were sealed at the Altar
Endowment House under the Hands of Heber C Kimball to
Wilford Woodruff Phebe W Woodruff Being Proxy.
Eunice Woodruff Born in Farmington Hartford Co Ct. 19 June 1821
Died 14 June 1853.
Mary Giles Born in Marblehead Essex Co, Mass 6 Sept 1803
Died Oct 3, 1852
Rebca Brown Born in Vinal Haven Fox Island Maine
30 Oct 1826 Died Aug 1839.
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