8. Sunday I met with the Sunday school at Logan as did
President Young & the 12. some 400 children were present &
was improving vary fast President Young spoke to the children
some 10 Minutes. Meeting assembled & opened at 10 oclok.
Prayer By J Taylor W. Woodruff spoke 40 Minutes see Minutes
President Young spoke 56 Minutes. Afternoon singing
Prayer By O Pratt. Sacrament Administered G A Smith
spoke 48 Minutes Erastus Snow 18, T B H Stenhouse 8,
G Q Cannon 5 Minutes & dismissed. We had social
conversation in the Evening. President Young said he herd
Joseph Smith say that the Ten Tribes of Israel were on a
Portion of Land separated from this Earth. He had also
Herd Joseph say that childern would not Grow after death
& at another time that they would grow & he hardly knew how
to reconcile it. he would like a variety in Eternity. Children
might grow in intelligence & not in statu[r]e as well as a grown
Person. if his children were grown up after leaving him he
would not know them
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