Oct 6, 1867 For the first time in this Generation some
8 or 10,000 Latter day Saints met in the Great Tabernacle in
Great Salt Lake City to hold a General Conference the Tabern-
cle was crouded full President Brigham Yo[u]ng jrsen called the
meeting to order & offered up the first Prayer in
a public capacity that was Ever offered up in that
Tabernacle & he returned to all the workmen who
had labored upon that Tabernacle thanks in Behalf of
the Presidency & Twelve. The New organ was ownly
Partly finished it had ownly 750 Pipes while it was
designed for 2000. H. C. Kimball spoke 50 Minutes
& D. H. Wells 32 Minutes The Presidency & Twelve held
a council at Noon & cut off Amasa Lyman from
the CQuorum of the Twelve & set apart Joseph Fielding
Smith as one of the Twelve Appostles He had been ord[ai]ned
an Apostle Before
President Young said He did not wish to
ordain Joseph F Smith to take Amasas place or to take his
crown But He ordain him an Apostle to take his own
crown & his own place He viewed all the Apostles in the
same light President Young was mouth in setting Joseph
F Smith Apart as one of the Twelve & as a special
witness to all Nations.
Afternoon Prayer By B. Young Jr O Hyde spoke 43 m[inutes]
& President Young 42 Minutes
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