10. we drove to Richmond & held a Meeting at half past 10 [o]clk
Prayer By W Woodruff. Capt Hooper spoke one hour
& 15 Minutes G. A. Smith spoke 30 Minutes President Young
spoke 20 Minutes we drove to Franklin 12 M[iles]
we held a Meeting at Franklin at 4 oclok E Snow prayed
O Hyde spoke 28 Minutes, J Taylor 28, & President
Young 4 Minutes & G Q Cannon dismissed. the Twelve
held a Meeting in the Evening at 6 oclok W Woodruff spoke
his feelings. O Hyde spoke his feelings & said President Young
told me in 1850 that my views on the Baby resurrection
was not true, that I might Believe what I pleased if I
would not Preach fals doctrin but I am ready to Follow in
the beaten tract Brother Young said no man could know
much about the resurrection untill he passed through
the resurrection & had the keys of it for that reson I
have been silent upon the subject & I have not heard any
of the Twelve preach upon it that I recollect. I have not
contemplated for years the resurrection in any other
light than you do. the subject has died within me
years ago." Social conversation Ensued upon this subject
Even the Godhead O Pratt said that He did not worship
Atributes asside from the Personage of God But Believed that
God was an organized Being the same as Man, & that
Man possessed the Atributes of God & would become a God
if he kept the Celestial Law.
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