Day in the Life

Sep 15, 1867

Journal Entry

September 15, 1867 ~ Sunday

15 We drove to the south side of the Lake then down the
canyon & crossed onto Blacksmith Fork At the south west
side of the Lake there was two streams of water spring out

of the Earth about half a mile of Each other the North
stream springs out of a B[r]anch is abot 2 rods wide
& 2 feet deep this runs about 1/4 of a Mile & Empties into
the south stream this stream was one solid Black Mass
of young trout some 6 inches long & the school copvered the
whole bottom near a foot deep & 2 rods wide & as far
down the stream as I Examined there were hundreds of
Bushels which I saw these small fish supply bear lake
as do other streams the south stream is still larger
& Breaks out from under a high Bluff which runs
more rapidly. large trout come up in Dec to the head of
those streams from one to 10 pound weight Bear lake & its trib-
utaries contain the finest trout in the world. We had a snow
storm most of the day I was quite chilled we camped
on Blacksmiths Fork for the night we were met By
Brethren from Ogden with tents Bedding & Beef for
our supply which made us comfortable. Blacksmiths
Fork is one of the finest streams I Ever saw, as clear as
cristol. it is Naturly a rapid Mountain stream some
3 rods wide & 2 feet deep But the Bevers in formers times
have damed the stream Every 40 rods & formed into
ponds some of these dams are from 10 to 18 feet high &
have become petrifyed into stone distance of the day 50 M[iles]


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Sep 15, 1867