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Day in the Life

Oct 19, 1867

Journal Entry

October 19, 1867 ~ Saturday

19. Saturday I spent a part of the day in the Endowment
we gave Endowments to 60. H C Kimball sealed 1,
W Woodruff 21, G. Q. Cannon 23. President H. C. Kimball
wished me to write the following revelation that if one
limb on a tree was dying and all of the others limbs
would unite together they could save the dying limb, so with
my family I have a woman dying if my wives & children
would unite with me & Exercise faith we could save her


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1966 mentions
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1402 mentions


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Oct 19, 1867