Day in the Life

Apr 26, 1868

Journal Entry

April 26, 1868 ~ Sunday

26. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Meeting House I op[en]ed
By Prayer H. C. Kimball spoke two hours & 15 minutes
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 1 Hour & 15 Minutes J F. Smith
30 Minutes Wm Miller spoke 5 Minutes H C Kimball
drove to the Americ[a]n Fork, in the Evening


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Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1458 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4135 mentions


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Discourse 1868-04-26
Elder W. W Woodruff. We as as people occupy a po- sition now that we are acknowledged by all men to be a living fact. We are in Zion, and are learning its practicle workings. The Prophets of old saw it in its purity and glory, but the mnutia of build- ing it up is to be revealed day by day, as circum stances develop themselves. We have the promise that this Zion will never be thrown down. We are the only people upon the earth who are preparing for the com- ing of the Son of Man. There is not a place we have dedicated to God, but what is held sacred unto God. And we shall have to rebuild the waste places. God has a willing people and although we have labored thirty eight years, Zion is not built up to attract the gaze and admiration of the nations. The word of wisdom is now a commandment with ^for^ us to keep. Spoke of the great number of evil spirits that are in existence; probably seventy to each person on the earth. Without revelation we could not do any thing as Latter Day Saints. The future is glorious, if we are obedient, to the counsels of Gods servants upon the Earth.

Apr 26, 1868