24. I had an interview with Brother Kingtons He is 74 years old
we drove to Box Elder Brigham City at 11 oclok we held a
meeting with the Brigham City Branch of the school of the prophets
President Young talked vary Plain in respect to the principle of
dishonesty among the people. I spoke vary plain upon the subject of
obeying council This Branch was organized to day L Snow
was president J. C. Wright vice President Bishop Nichols Treasurer
President Young spok 20 Minutes W Woodruff 15 G A Smith 18,
G. Q. Cannon 10 M[inutes], Br Dunford 15 M[inutes], D. Day spoke 10 M[inutes], J. F. Smith
20 M[inutes], & President Young 30 M[inutes]. At the close of the school we drove
to Ogden & spent the night at Bishop West & spent the night 38 m[iles]
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