Jan 1st 1869
Jan 1st 1869 Friday I met in council with the Presidency
Twelve & Land owners in the city of Ogden President Young
spoke upon the subject of wishing to Buy some 300 Acres of
land lying west of the Main street for the purpose of furnish-
ing the rail road companises sufficient room for their Depos
machine shops &c as Ogden was Expecting to be the terminus
of the Eastern & Western Pacific Rail Roads. The owners of
the Land offered to sell the land to President Young for $50
per acre as President Young wished to give a considerable portion
of it to the rail road companies.
President Young G. A. Smith & the Twelve met at 2 oclok & organized
a Branch school of the Prophets W. Woodruff G. A. Smith
G Q. Cannon & F. D. Richards spoke upon the Principls of the
school of the Prophets the objet of its organization &c.
L. Farr was Appointed President of the Branch C. W. West vice-
President. it was quite a stormy day Capt Wm H Hooper arived
& stoped with us at Brother Farrs
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