Day in the Life

Jun 17, 1869

Journal Entry

June 17, 1869 ~ Thursday

17 We arose at 4 oclok took Breakfast & at 6 oclok started
for the Soda Springs we drove 35 Miles in about 4 hours
found some trading Houses & a few cabbins the first
soda spring is close to the edge of a large creek the
spring was about 36 inches in diameter the spring
boiled up furiously it was composed of Iron Magnecia
& soda as far as we could learn. We drank Hartily
of it we then went to the steamboat spring standing on
the edge of Bear river it seems a volcanic country
we visited another soda spring that was more Acid & Iron
than in the other. We dined & rested our teams some 3 Hours
& then returned Distance of the day 70 Miles

Men & teams were all weary at night I spent the night with
Brother Dennings All the streams in this county abound in
trout which is a great Blessing to the people


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Jun 17, 1869