19. We met at the bowery ^Paris^ at 10 oclok for a 2 days
Meeting Prayer By E. T. Benson D H Wells spok one Hour
& 14 Minutes, B Young Jr spoke 27 M[inutes]. I dined Bwith Brother
Duffin then went to Brother Rich & President B Young
spoke of organizing a school of the prophets, we met
for that purpose Brother Hart opened By Prayer
W Woodruff spoke 50 Minutes John W Young 6 M[inutes]
E T Benson 33 M[inutes]. At the close of the Meeting a list
of Names was called to Form a Branch of the school
of the prophets we met in the school House the the list
of Names was red. President Young then spoke of organizing
A stake of Zion & a High Council & the school of the
prophets. C. C. Rich spoke a short time Presid[en]t B Young
called a vote to know if the Elders wished this to be
so A united vote. 12 Names were then called to
form a High Council. They were then ordained &
set apart as A High Council & were all ordained
High Priest who had not Before Ben ordained to that
office all was ordained but one, this was under
the Hands of D. H. Wells W Woodruff, C. C. Rich E. T. Benson
G. Q. Cannon & B Young Jr. we adjourned to meet tomorrow
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