3rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle all day. Prayer By O. Pratt, Platt
Lyman spoke 30 M[inutes], Oce Olson spoke 32 M[inutes], G. B. Walace
spoke 22 M[inutes]. Afternoon O. Pratt spoke 70 Minutes
upon the subject of Polygamy Before a large congregation
among the number was aseveral Members of Congress &
other visitors. The Vise President of the United States
[FIGURE] Schyler Colfax with quite a party several Members
of Congress Mr Ordway Sargent at Armes of the House of Represent-
atives & many others arived in the city at abot 5 ocolk & stoped
at the Townsend House they Attended Meeting in the Evening at
the 14 ward & I Preached the gospel to them for one hour
in great Plainness & had much of the spirit of
Preaching I was Followed By Dr. J. Clinton who bore
testimony to what I said & Bishop Hoagland made
a few remarks at the close. Presid[en]t Young G A Smith
& others Held a Meeting at Provo at the same time
they held a 2 days Meeting
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