Oct 6, 1869 The General Conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints Assembled in the New
Tabernacled at 10 oclok A large Assembly of Saints
President B Young Presiding all of the Twelve & Presid[enc]y
are present Except John Taylor. He had gone East on
Business. Orson Hyde Prayed President D. H. Wells
spoke 45 Minutes, G. A. Smith spoke 41. At the close
of the fore noon Meeting The Presidency & Twelve met
at the Historians Office to agree upon a Man to make
the Quorum of the Twelve full as Ezra T Benson
had died since last conference And they decided
upon Albert Carrington to fill that place. The fair
was Kept opened today. Afternoon H S Eldridge [R]
O Pratt spoke 52 M[inutes], President Y[ou]ng 8 M[inutes]
O. Hyde spoke 32 Minutes the fair closed to night
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President Young preached one Hour & 8 Minutes President Yog said it is the duty of all Bishops Elders, & Fathers, to have Enough of the spirit of God to Judge Righteous Judgment & reprove the wards and Families in the spirit of God And in rendering Judgment let it be a righteous Judgment & according to the spirit mind & will of God & If I Ever live to See the People whare they should be I will ownly have to say what I want done & it is done