31. We drove to Fountain Green Held a Meeting at 12 oclok
President Young read a telegram that the Navahoes made a
raid upon the people of Canarrah & drove off 50 Head of stok
He spoke 25 Minutes, & said now go to & build a good Meeting
House that will Hold a Thousand people you have got the
Material Here & are able to do it & this is what the Lord requires
of you & we are here to day to tell you what to do in these things
G. A. Smith spoke 15 Minutes W. Woodruff spoke 150 O Pratt 20 M[inutes]
H. S. Eldridge 10 M[inutes], Joseph Y[ou]ng 10 M[inutes], Joseph F Smith 5
We then rode to Moroni & held a Meeting in the Evening had a full
Joseph Young spoke 39 M[inutes], G A Smith spok 25 M[inutes], W Woodruff 10,
& President Young 56 Minutes distance of the day 30 M
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