Jan 24
I met with the Legislative Council & spent the forenoon I
called upon President Young while there I had an interview with
Mr John E. Cowles son of Egbert Cowles of Farmington Connecticut
He is the first man I have met with from my Native town for
the last 20 years. He gave me a great deal of information
concerning all the inhabitants of my Native town. I att[end]ed
the lecture delivered in the tabernacle in the Evening By Mr
Russell H Conwell He had travelled through Europe Asia &
America & was Now on his wasy to China & Jappan, his lectu-
re was vary interesting, giving an account of Ancient Baby-
lon Syria & Jerrusalem Of Abram offering up his son
Isaac & Jesus Praying in the garden of Gethsemane [Genesis 22:1-19] [Matthew 26:36-45]. He
gave an account of what had befalen him in his travels, while
walking on the shores of the dead sea A man wanted him to
buy a peaece of Lots wife after paying him twice for it to get
red of him He flung it into the dead sead & the man went in
& got it out of the mud & slime & want him to buy it again
He was robed By two Frenchmen in pParis of his money &
watch & when they started to leave him he drew a pistol
& ordered to them to lay down what they had taken from him
& rather than be shot they laid down on the ground his
watch & money & then run away He reported them to the police
office they asked him why he did [not] shoot them He said because
his pistol was not loaded many other amusing anecdotes
He told He prophesied a good deal concerning these mountains
& the people who inhabit them He said the higher & more
rugged the mountains the stronger & more rugged the
people many other remarks were made of interest
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