22nd Washingtons Birth day I attended a Military Meeting in
the City Hall at 2 oclok speeches were made By D. H. Wells W. Woodruff
E Snow G. Q. Cannon, Pace, Thurber, Winder & Hyde.
$5. I wrote a letter to Wilford sent him $5 & a sack of
goods & shoes & a sack of dried fruit all By Joseph W. Y[ou]ng
I attended a Milaitary Ball in the Evening at the Theater. I met
with Dr. H. Lathram & Lady from Laramie
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He spoke upon the gospel & made Evry thing Plain if the religion of the Sectarian world did not ketch or save us our religion would if sprinkling children was not Baptism & not acceptable to God Baptism By immeresion was & what harm was there in keeping the commandment of God it would save a man while rejecting them would destroy a man
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