Day in the Life

Jul 10, 1870

Journal Entry

July 10, 1870 ~ Sunday

10 I went to Ogden to Attend Meeting the Presidency
& Twelve were there the day Before except myself I was
to late for the cars & returned home 80 M[iles].

The Meeting commenced at 10 oclok R T Burton prayed
President Y[ou]ng spoke 63 Minutes. "What have the people come
together for, for the worship of God, who are you worshiping
do you know his character, if you worship the Lord
with lip service without the Heart your lip service will be
in vain. In the days of Christ why did not the people
believe in him, his doctrin was good and still is but
the people did not Believe on him the reason is the people
walk in the dark & not in the light & are at Enmity against
God. The Devil rules over the people, but few have the spirit
of God
to Believe his doctrin & follow him. But few do
so in this day but few are in the light of Christ today
to receive the Gospel. the light of Christ shines upon all
Men or strives with them in a measure, to lead them to God
But the Devil influences them to that degree that they

are led away from God & fight against him. how
many are there who is willing to sacrafice all they possess
in order to follow Christ & saved in the kingdom of God. not
many & but few will be saved. If Jesus or one of the an-
cient Apostles was to Go to Rome, or any other City in
the Christian world & tell them He was Jesus or an Apost-
le they would lock up the House they would not know
Jesus or receive him. do they have the spirit of God
yes a little of it but not Enough to receive the gospel
& when they reject the work of God they will be damned
Let light come unto the world & the world will reject
it they will not receive the light & are under condem-
nation this is the case to day God is with the few who
have Enough of the spirit of God to follow him & the
rest of the world fight us, the people in England have been
turned out of Doors for their religion you must have
Enough of the spirit of God to be willing to forsake
all & follow Christ & keep all of his command[me]nts
or you will fall short of a Fulness of Glory & salvation
The Mormons are the ownly people on Earth who have
faith in the revelations or word of God the Christian
world would receive the gospel if it was popular but it
is not B& they will reject it & be damned. All men are
not capaciated alike to receive the light & truth from
God or to receive the same Exhaltation all will be rew-
arded according to his deeds. The honorable Men of the
world will not reject the light of God but the wicked
will reject it & fight against God & destroy his people
if they can and they sin unto death and will not
have forgiveness we are here the Saints of God with
the kingdom of God will you receeive it or reject it, let
the spirit of God bwell [dwell] in your hearts. He spoke of the
Parable of Jessuus whare the farmer went out to sow the
seed [Matthew 13:1-23] [Luke 8:4-15] some brought forth fruit to the Honor & glory of
God while others died. Prayed that the spirit of God might
be with this people, that they might keep the faith

"Fathers & Mothers will you raise your families in purity
if so you will go into the kingdom of God, if you do not
do it there is ^no^ Excuse for you we have the keys of the
Kingdom of God through the Mercy of God. Can you
understand God & Jesus Christ you can be exhalted in
the same way they were, we are all by the same parents
Now understand all ye people of God, let the spirit of God
enter into your hearts. what is the necessity of Men
having more wives than one, because Men will not do right
ten Thousand young females perish in the streets of New
. Men should take those young women & save
them & not let them go to destruction. The Men are Lords
of creation & should save the women, but No they will
destroy all they can. A Gentleman will not ask for your
Daughters, but be Baptized & go & save the Fathers & Daughters
of the world & not try to destroy them A Gentleman
will not do wrong.

B Y[ou]ng Jr spoke 16 Minutes G A Smith spoke 16 M
Afternoon sacram[en]t was Administered D. H. Wells spoke
46 Minutes, J Taylor 29, W Woodruff 3 1/2, & Presid[en]t
B Y[ou]ng spoke 16 Minutes & said are we the sons & daughters
of our Father in heaven, we are. How are we to be Exhalted
into the presence of God, we have committed sin & a divine
Debt is contracted & it requires a Divin sacrafice
& God has sent his son to die & redeem the Earth
& Man & this is in Evry Earth which God has created
& if the particle of this Earth were create numbered &
it would not be a begining to the Number of the creations
of God & still his work is constantly going on & it is
Necessary for sin to be in Each world that the sons of
Men may know good & Evil, & in some Men there is
more & power than in others I defy all the spiritualists
in the world to make a table move or get a commun-
ication from Hell or the spirit world while I am present
I lay uhands upon the sick I exp[ec]t them to be healed &
virtue goes out of me & it did out of Jesus Christ

when the woman touched him. All may not be healed
that I lay hands upon, but many are healed. If man
did not taste the bitter He could not know the sweet or com-
prehend the contrast, all who are fallen will be redeemed
in there time & day except the sons of perdition & it requires
a Divine sacrafice to redeem any world


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3448 mentions
Apostle, Family
Young, Brigham (Jr.)
18 Dec 1836 - 11 Apr 1903
586 mentions
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
800 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1433 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1955 mentions
Burton, Robert Taylor
25 Oct 1821 - 11 Nov 1907


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.

Jul 10, 1870