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Day in the Life

Aug 6, 1870

Journal Entry

August 06, 1870 ~ Saturday

6. I attended the school of the prophets was on a committee
on Friday to sell Utah Central Rail Road Bonds, the
subject was spoken off in the school. I attended a Meeting
also on Friday 5, Aug of the 14 ward Cooperation Store

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Discourse 1870-08-06
Elder W. Woodruff said the only way for the Committee to do was for them to do just what Prest Young wanted them to do let us unite and cooperate as a people, and turn out our means to relieve Prest Young, and become part owners of the Railroad— the Lord has blest us, and we are all better off, than ever before and let us find out what our duty is and then do it—He was willing to do all he could himself, &c

Aug 6, 1870