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Day in the Life

Aug 7, 1870

Journal Entry

August 07, 1870 ~ Sunday

7. Sunday In company with R. T. Burton I rode to
Mill Creek ward & Big Cottonwood wards to hold Meeting
At Mill Creek ward we got $1900 subscribed on the
Utah Central Bonds At Big Cotton wood we got
$284 subscribed & more promised I spoke at Mill
Creek followed atby Brothe Burton. He spoke at Cottonwood
I followed him & returned to the City we administered to
a sick child of Brother Burton I much admired Bishop
Millers Fish Pond & Bee stand I wrote 2 letters to
Mitchel, sent $2 & one letter & $1 to King. 20 Miles


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9 mentions
8 mentions
12 mentions
Burton, Robert Taylor
25 Oct 1821 - 11 Nov 1907
125 mentions


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Aug 7, 1870