Oct 5th 1870
I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House
to attend to the Baptism & sealing for the dead. D. Huntington
Baptized 211, Samuel H. B. Smith 203, & Ward Pack 237.
Total 651 Baptisms I confirmed some 60 persons,
D. H. Wells sealed 80 couple Joseph F Smith 59 & W. Woodruff
41, Total 180 sealings. Wilford Woodruff Jr was
Baptized for 3 persons viz. Nathaniel Rolf David Eastman
& Freedom Moulton. I sealed the following to Wilford
Woodruff Jr. Mary Ann Holmes, Mary Ockey, and
Sarah Ockey.
Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow was Baptized for the
Following persons. Eliza Atwater, Lucinda Atwater,
Printha Leeaville, Leaura Ladd, & Louisa Snow Total 5.
Wilford Woodruff jr was Baptized for the following
Nathaniel Rolf, David Eastman, & Freedom Moulton total 3
Oct 5 1870 The following persons were sealed to Wilford Woodruff jr
By his Father Wilford Woodruff
Mary Ann Holmes, Mary Ockey, Sarah Ockey Total 3.
Oct 5, 1870 Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow was baptized for
the Following Persons in the Font Salt Lake City
Eliza Atwater, Lucinda Atwater, Printha Leavitti,
Laura Ladd, & Louisa Snow Total 5.
All but one of the above Names were sealed to Lorenzo Snow By
W Woodruff Oct 10, 1870.
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