Day in the Life

Feb 18, 1871

Journal Entry

February 18, 1871 ~ Saturday

18 I attended the school of the prophets

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Discourse 1871-02-18
Elder W. Woodruff was glad to hear the voice of Prest Young's voice again, to listen to his councils— the Spirit of God had been with Prest Wells h during his absence—He also refered to the wicked world who are much opposed to the Kingdom of God as ever, there [h]as been a strong combination among the wicked to bring us into trouble during the past winter, but we have been preserved, and have met in our School, Tabernacle & Ward Houses, without interruption—It was also a wise sugges- tion of Prest Young to introduc^e^tion the use of oxen for during much of our labour instead of Horses as a source of economy— He also named a few things about the Mines, the hand of the Lord was in it, and much good would come out of it—Let farmers cultivate the soil, and every Mechanic cleave to his Mechanism


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Feb 18, 1871