15. we learned that one of the Brethren was kicked By a Horse at
Soda Springs who died at Twin Creeks from the injury it
was the same horse that killed a Sister Gravenson the
year Before Aged 18 years she was watering him on the 24 July
with the rope around her hand & he run & draged her to death
we met with the school of the prophets in Paris at 11 oclok
We had speeches from G. A. Smith 40 M[inutes] W Woodruff 14,
President Young 15 M, J. F. Smith 11 M W. Woodruff 3 M.
C. C. Rich spoke of the Hay land. I wrote 2 letters to Wilford Sarah &
the children. President Young said he wished all who had
a plurality of wives to Make their will & thought it well for
all Men to do so.
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