22nd We Met at the Bowery for a 2 days Meeting. W Woodruff
opened By prayer President Young spoke 18 M[inutes] Joseph Young spoke
61, G A Smith spoke 20 Minutes (At the close of the meeting
we laid hands upon 2 that were sick then rode a mile & laid
hands upon a sick sister that had lain upon her right side
3 years with a broaken spine or sumthing like it. Lorenzo Snow
took dinner with me at Brother Turbits one of the greatest
curiosities with the above woman was she had a young Babe
ownly 3 Months old) Afternoon Prayer By D P. Kimball
President Young related the circumstances of Wm Miller being
arested for Brigham Young hence came the proverb of Bogus
Brigham. He spoke 13 M, J F Smith spoke 48 Minutes
David Kimball spoke 10 M President Young spoke 31. at the
close of the Meeting we took supper with Brother Thatcher
then went to the Bishops & herd a case tried
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