Day in the Life

Jan 20, 1872

Journal Entry

January 20, 1872 ~ Saturday

20 I have been suffering the past week with a severe cold but it
is now breaking up I met with the council at 11 oclok & attended to
the school of the Prophets O. Pratt spoke first & refered to the time he first
Keys crossed A crown saw Joseph Smith in the same house whare the first Branch of the
Church was organized said he wished that there could be a small
plain History of Joseph Smith written by some one who had a good
Memory by some one who could remember the circumstances as they
were. said he received a testimony there that he knew the work was of
God it was not by the Administratonion of Angels or open vision but
by the Holy Ghost. He made other remarks. He was followed By W. Woodruff
I said there was one subject I wished to speak upon & that was writing
& keeping a Journal of the dealings of God with us. I have many times
thought the Quorum of the Twelve & others considered me rather enthu-
siastic upon this subject. But when the Prophet Joseph organized the
Quorum of the Twelve he commanded them to write & keep a Journal
or History of their lives & gave his reasons why they should do it. I think
the Twelve Apostles & all the Elders of Israel who bear the Holy Priesthood
should keep a Journal of their official acts & the dealings of God with them
I would be glad to read the Acts of My forefathers if they had never
herd of a God. But esspecially when men are called to stand at the
head of a Great dispensation like this & to build up the kingdom of God on
the Earth to remain forever, they of all men on Earth ought to write
& keep a true & correct History of the rise & progress of that Kingdom,
of the revelations of Jesus Christ & his dealings with us as we travel

along in our pilgrimage. I have had this spirit upon me since I first
Entered this Chirch I was Baptized the first sermon I herd & from
that day untill now I have kept a daily Journal whenever I have herd
Joseph Smith preach, teach, or prophesy, I have always felt it my duty
to write it. I have always felt uneasy I could not Eat drink or sleep
in peace untill I did write it & my mind has been so Exercised upon
this subjects that when I herd Joseph Smith teach & I had not pen-
cil & paper I would go home & set down & write that whole sermon
almost word for word & sentence By sentence as it was deliver & when
I had written it, it was taken from me I remembered it no more
this was the gift of God to me & the question has often rested me why are
these things so, why has this subject rested upon me more than other men
again another Question has rested upon my mind many times? why
has the devil sought to take my life from the day I was born untill
now more than other men, for I been a marked victim for the
devil from the day I was born untill now, and I can find but
one answer & that is the devil knew if I got into the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
I would write the History of the
Church & leave on record the doings, works, & teachings of the prophets
& Apostles Elders & Saints in the latter days, & that I would attend to
the ordinances of the House of God. Froor my Fathers Household & Friends
both for the living & the dead. I am the ownly person in all the lineage
of my Fathers Household Either on my Father or Mothers side who
has been in the Church & in a situation to do any thing for my
Fathers House I Baptized my Father & all his household that He had
with him at the time including my step Mother & half sister
I am the ownly person that has attended to any of the ordinances
of the Church for my Dead. Again I have recorded nearly all
the sermons & teachings that I Ever herd Joseph Smith deliver & many
of the Quorum of the Twelve. I have in my Journals scores of sermons
of President Brigham Young that He does not know that Exist on
Earth so of Orson Hyde, Parley Pratt, Orson Pratt, & others, one
reason I have Been moved upon to write in Early days was
nearly all the Historians appointed in the Early History of the Church
Apostitized & took the Journals away with them which in a measure
were lost to the Church. I still keep a daily Journal but I have not

reported sermons much for many years for we have had scribes
& reporters to keep a record of the sayings of the Prophets & Apostles &
I rejoice & thank God for it does my soul good to look upon these
little Boys sons of Brother George Q Cannon & others set at the reports
table & report the sermons as they are delivered from the mouth of
the Prophets & Apostles I would there were 10 whare their is but one
Another subject I wish to say a few words upon & that is the spirit
of God
to man, the Holy Ghost which is given to the Saints, The
inspiration of the Almighty which giveth the spirit of man under-
standing it is the greatest testimony man can possess, his Eyes & Ears
may be deceived in seeing the miracles such as the magicians in the
days of Moses [Exodus 7:11] or such as the fals Prophets & Beasts of the last day will
perform [Revelation 13] wbut when the Elect receive the Holy Ghost they will not be dec[eive]d [Matthew 24:24]
but man is apt to look to high or expect too great things so that they
often times mistake the spirit of God & the inspiration of the Almighty
it is not in the Thunder or whirlwind that we should look for the spirit
of God but in the still small voice. [1 Kings 19:11-12] "The wind Bloweth whare it listeth
& ye hear the sound thereof but cannot tell whence it cometh or whether
it goeth so all is the spirit saith Jesus." [John 3:8] We should all become acquainted
with this spirit & obey its voice for it hath preserved the prophets Apostles
& Elders for the last 40 years in their travels upon the Earth. We have
all Experienced this from time to time our lives have been preserved
by listning to the whisperings of that still small voice. When I was going
to Boston in the spring of 1848 with my family I drove into the door
yard of one of the Brethren tied my Mules to a large oak tree & went
to Bed in my carriage with my carriage ^family^ the spirit came upon
me & told me to get up & move my ^carriage^ & my Mules I did so & it was but
a short time untill a whirlwing took that oak tree broak it into [nom]
the ground & brought it some 12 rods & laid it prostrate in that dooryard
& the body of fell whare my carriage stood & if I had not moved it
I should have been killed with my family. Again when I was bri-
nging the Eastern Saints to this valley when I arived in Pitsburgh
I chartered a steemboat to take the Saints to St Louis as soon as
I had done it the spirit said to me dont go abord of that Boat. the
Captain released me & I chartered another the steemer that
I first chartered started down the river soon took fire burned

the wheel cha ropes into & nearly all the passenger either burned
to death or drowned many in this Church have experienced these
things, & in all the travels & Emigrations of the Saints for the last
40 years the preserving care of our Hevenly Father has been over
us & we as a people have been preserved while the wicked have
been destroyed upon evry hand, the destruction of the saluda
is the ownly case whare the Saints have met with disaster in their
Emigration, and if Eli B. Kelsey who was the leader of the company
had had the spirit of God & his office upon him he never would
have gone on board of that Boat or taken the Saints on board of it
I would Exhort all the Saints to get the spirit of God & keep
it & live under its influence, & then they are always safe. And
"this is the condemnation of the world that light has come
into the world & men love darkness rather than light because their
deeds are evil [John 3:19]

Elder G. Q. Cannon followed in some remarks the spirit of God
rested upon us & we had a good meeting


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
580 mentions
Woodruff, Azubah Hart
31 Jul 1792 - 21 Mar 1851
269 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3446 mentions
Apostle, Family
Woodruff, Bulah Thompson
22 Apr 1783 - 11 Jun 1808
76 mentions
Webster, Eunice Hart Woodruff
19 Jun 1821 - 14 Jun 1853
272 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2259 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
210 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
693 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1084 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions


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there was one subject I wished to speak upon & that was writing & keeping a Journal of the dealings of God with us I have many times thought the Quorum of the Twelve & others considered me rather enthu- siastic upon this subject But when the Prophet Joseph organized the Quorum of the Twelve he Commanded them to write & keep a Journal or History of their lives & gave his reasons why they should do it I think the Twelve Apostles & all the Elders of Israel who bear the Holy Priesthood should keep a Journal of their official acts & the dealings of God with them I would be glad to read the Acts of My forefathers if they had never herd of a God But esspecially when men are called to stand at the head of a Great dispensation like this & to build up the kingdom of God on the Earth to remain forever, they of all men on Earth ought to write & keep a true & correct History of the rise & progress of that Kingdom, of the Revelations of Jesus Christ & his dealings with us as we travel
~ Wilford Woodruff
along in our pilgrimage. I have had this spirit upon me since I first Entered this Chirch I was Baptized the first sermon I herd & from that day untill now I have kept a daily Journal whenever I have herd Joseph Smith preach, teach, or prophesy, I have always felt it my duty to write it. I have always felt uneasy I could not Eat drink or sleep in peace untill I did write it & my mind has been so Exercised upon this subjects that when I herd Joseph Smith teach & I had not pen- cil & paper I would go home & set down & write that whole sermon almost word for word & sentence By sentence as it was deliver & when I had written it, it was taken from me I remembered it no more this was the gift of God to me & the question has often rested me why are these things so, why has this subject rested upon me more than other men again another Question has rested upon my mind many times? why has the devil sought to take my life from the day I was born untill now more than other men, for I been a marked victim for the devil from the day I was born untill now, and I can find but one answer & that is the devil knew if I got into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints I would write the History of the Church & leave on Record the doings, works, & teachings of the prophets & Apostles Elders & Saints in the latter days, & that I would attend to the Ordinances of the House of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
it is not in the Thunder or whirlwind that we should look for the spirit of God but in the still small voice "The wind Bloweth whare it listeth & ye hear the sound thereof but cannot tell whence it cometh or whether it goeth so all is the spirit saith Jesus"
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Discourse 1872-01-20
Elder W. Woodruff strongly recommended the Elders of Israel to keep a Journal of the dealings of God with them—the Prophet Joseph used to urge this upon the Elders—k Bro Woodruff said he co Kept a record of every sermon that he heard Joseph preach—He wished that a more correct account had been Kept of the early doings of the early Elders of the church, and the dealings of God with his people—he has never neglected one day without writing something in his diary. In regard to the spirit of Prophecy, we are apt to look two high, and except too much in the wrong direction, the still small voice of the spirit was what we should seek after and cultivate—the church in its infancy When a man was called to go on a mission, the Lord

Jan 20, 1872