Day in the Life

Mar 30, 1872

Journal Entry

March 30, 1872 ~ Saturday

30. I attended the school of the prophets & spoke 30 Minutes followed
by Joseph SF Smith I met at the close of ^with^ the Agricultural board


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Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4145 mentions

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Discourse 1872-03-30
Elder W. Woodruff hoped to live long enough to see pleasant Ephraim enjoy all the blessings, that were long since, enjoyed by their forefathers he then spoke of the Elders of Israel who held the destinies of the Nations in their hands, and the necessity of them living worthy of their high and holy calling. He then related a dream that he had while on a mission to in England pertaining to the Lamanites. he saw a beautiful Temple rerected on the mountains of Israel, he went in, and while there, a large number of Laman- ites came in and seated themselves in a place by themselves, by and bye, they began to work, and they seemed to accomplish more in two hours than others could do in a day, but a strict account was kept of ^all^ the labour that was performed by every one in that house. And they appeared to have been inspired by some prophet to enter that Temple, and enter upon those blessings promised by their forefathers.

Mar 30, 1872