Day in the Life

Sep 12, 1872

Journal Entry

September 12, 1872 ~ Thursday

12 We found the lick House to possess vary fine accomodations
Their dining Hall was said to be the finest known in the
world. G. A. Smith & Myself two bed rooms & one sitting room
together we took breakfast at 8 oclok. We then commenced

to visit the city. we visited the Merchants Library contained
33000 volumes. We visited the Williamette Woollen Manufact-
uring Co goods, & the Merchants Exchange, Chamber of
Commersce. San Francisco is a vary fine place the city
looks as though it was 100 years old instead of 20. It contains
175000 Inhabitants & a vast amount of wealth expended in
building it up. We visited the Chineese part of the city
their God Josh [Joss], with their Eternal fires burning, we
saw them ingaged in their various persuits, they are vary
Numerous in that city

In the Evening we visited the Horticultural & Floral Fair we
received complementary tickets it was a vary interesting Exhi-
bition. The Hall was lighted with more than 3000 gass Jets, there
was one pyramid of floor 7 feet high & abot 6 feet at the base.
5000 plants were given away to girls under 14 years old, the
Music was excellent. I was interested in the silk culture that
was exhibited from the feeding of the worm up to the spinning ^reeling^ of the
silk. There was a great variety of fruit & flowers.


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Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1432 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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Sep 12, 1872