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Day in the Life

Sep 11, 1872

Journal Entry

September 11, 1872 ~ Wednesday

11 This Morning found us at Trucky at the foot of the
Nevada Mountains we had a view of the Lake whare the company
of Emigrants perished in 1847. Mrs Murphy & children were
among the Number. We went to the summit & took breakfast
It was a vary grand scenery in crossing the Sire Nevada Mountains
As we passed the place called Cape Horn the cars stoped so we
could take a good view of the scene it was said to be 1 1/2 miles abot
perpendicular down to the bottom the American River looked like
a Ribon of Silver in the valley below us we soon passed down
in to the Sacramento vally. The country looked dry & parched
we stoped but a short time in Sacramento & passed on to San
we had to take a steemer & cross the bay we arived
at abot 8 oclok in the Evening & put up at the lich House 900 M[iles]


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1835 Southern Convert


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Sep 11, 1872