Day in the Life

Oct 27, 1872

Journal Entry

October 27, 1872 ~ Sunday

27 Sunday A Hard snow storm & cold. A. H. Raleigh preached in
the forenoon in the New Tabernacle & W. Woodruff in the afternoon
in the old Tabernacle


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Raleigh, Alonzo Hazeltine
7 Nov 1818 - 13 May 1901


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Letter from P. F. Madson, 27 October 1872
Copenhagen, . Hon. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, I take the liberty to address you a few lines, in hopes that it may interest you to hear from this quarter of the globe. Some time has now Elapsed since I left my home to come to these lands, And still when I look back, it seems like it has been but few months. I have Enjoyed my labors Exceedingly ^in these lands^ which ^and ^ I realize, though performed by a weak instrument has ^that they have^ been attended by the blessings of God, for which I try to feel grateful. And Ende- vor to appreciat; I know of nothing that produces greater joy, satisfaction, & grat- itude in the bosom of an Elder preaching the Gospel, than when he, in dilligence, with over


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Oct 27, 1872