Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1873

Journal Entry

December 15, 1873 ~ Monday

15 Keys crossed Elias Smith Woodruff son of Wilford Jr & Emily Jane Woodruff
was born at 20 Minuts to 10 oclok PM. at Randolph Rich Co Utah
I spent the day at home went to the Endowm[en]t House a short time


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Woodruff, Elias Smith
15 Dec 1873 - 16 Nov 1941
23 mentions
Woodruff, Emily Jane Smith
28 Oct 1850 - 8 May 1878
34 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
721 mentions


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Discourse 1873-12-15
Elder W. Woodruff also adverted to the unreliability of memory especially after a great lapse of time since the sayings had been made he himself has written a great many sayings and sermons of Joseph Smith, but when once written they invariably left his memory. The Lord led and instructed the Prophet Joseph like a child and many things he was taught, he had but a very imperfect understanding of at first, his views on the resurrection changed somewhat prior to his death. He then traced the principle of progress in the dealings of God with his people, since the rise of the church especially in reference to Baptisms for the dead, The calling of Elders to preach the Gospel &c

Dec 15, 1873