Day in the Life

Jan 1, 1876

Journal Entry

January 01, 1876 ~ Saturday

Jan 1, 1876. This is the commencement of the Centennial
year of the American independence at the commencement of the
centaury 1776, and through the Revolutionary war the United
States Government was composed of an honest, industrious
Christian People, and the Leaders were pure true, virtueous
honest industrious statesmen who labored hard to promote
the interest, & welfare of the whole people, and to Esstablish a
free Republican Government, this they did accomplish,
and Esstablished laws and a Constitution which was a
glorious Legacy to their posterity. But Jan 1, 1876 finds
a great change has come over the American Government
virtue has departed from the Land, and corruption occupies
its place. Honesty has been driven from Evry department
of Government from the presidential chair, the Halls of
Congress, from Evry Department of State, which has rea^c^hed
through through Evry State and Territory Except
Utah, and Theft and chicanery are bearing
sway throughout the whole Nation, untill the seeds of
Death and destruction are sown broad cast throughout the
american government, and are ripening for the Harvest.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was organiz-
ed in 1830, and has exhisted in this Government almost half
of the last centaury, and has continued to Grow and
increas for the last 45 years in the midst of all the perscution
heaped upon it. It is this Church and kingdom of God
who will preservede the Constitution of the United States
if it is preserved at all. Our Nation is declining & falling
through corruption and its End will be like Greece & Rome

Saturday I spent this New Years day laboring with my had [hands]


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. This is the commencement of the Centennial year of the American independence at the commencement of the centaury 1776, and through the Revolutionary war the United States Government was composed of an honest, industrious Christian People, and the Leaders were pure true, virtueous honest industrious statesmen who labored hard to promote the interest, & welfare of the whole people, and to Esstablish a free Republican Government, this they did accomplish, and Esstablished laws and a Constitution which was a glorious Legacy to their posterity. But Jan 1, 1876 finds a great change has come over the American Government virtue has departed from the Land, and corruption occupies its place. Honesty has been driven from Evry department of Government from the presidential chair, the Halls of Congress, from Evry Department of State, which has Rea^c^hed through through Evry State and Territory Except Utah, and Theft and chicanery are bearing sway throughout the whole Nation, untill the seeds of Death and destruction are sown broad cast throughout the american government, and are ripening for the Harvest.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was organiz- ed in 1830, and has Exhisted in this Government almost half of the last centaury, and has continued to Grow and increas for the last 45 years in the midst of all the perscuton heaped upon it. It is this Church and kingdom of God who will preservede the Constitution of the United States if it is preserved at all.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Jan 1, 1876