May 21 1876.
Sunday in the midst of a driving snow storm in company
with John Taylor & Joseph F Smith I took car on the Utah
Southern rail road & road to Big Cotton Wood & then walked
a mile in the [Ut] mud & snow got my feet wet finally landed
at Bishop Millers took breakfast then went to the New
Meeting House in Mill Crek ward for the purpose of Dedica-
ting it to the Lord. The Meeting opened by singing a Hym
composed for the occasion. W Woodruff then offered the
Dedication Prayer after which J. F. Smith read the 8 ch.
of 1 Kings Solomons Prayer in the dedication of the
Temple. John Taylor then spoke of the dedication of
the [te]mple in the days of Solomon and of the dedication
of Temples and buildings of worship in our day 55 Min
J F Smith spoke one hour & W Woodruff 45 Minuts
at the close of the Meeting we went to Bishop Millers
then took cars & returned to Salt Lake City 20 Miles
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