Saturday a.m., .
THE very fact that we have a peo-
ple, that we have a Zion, that we have a
kingdom, that we have a
church and a priesthood which is
connected with the heavens, and
which has power to move the hea-
vens, and that we know that the
heavens are communicating with
us, directing the performance of
this great latter-day work in which
the Latter-day Saints are engaged,
this very fact alone should fill our
hearts with humility before the
Lord our God, and it should con-
tinually remind us in our reflec-
tions and feelings of the responsi-
bility we are under both to Him
and to one another, and also of our
dependence upon him for all the
blessings we enjoy of a spiritual as
well as a temporal nature.
The prayer offered up by Brother
Pratt filled my mind with reflec-
tions of the past. Almost half a
century has expired since the
Prophet of God organized this
church upon the earth; but he and
most of the men who labored pro-
minently with him, in laying the
foundation of this church, are not
with us to-day, their voices are
hushed in death, they have finish-
ed their earthly work, having la-
bored a series of years, and are now
the other side of the vail. There
are but two of the first quorum of
the Twelve with us in the flesh,
and only two of the second quo-
rum. And this speaks in loud and
forcible language, at least it does
to me, that what we have to do in
the interest of the great cause of
salvation, we should perform it
faithfully and diligently, making
the very best use of the few re-
maining days we have yet to la-
bor in the flesh.
While I refer to the absence of
our brethren whose works remain
and whose memories are cherished,
I am fully conscious this morning
that we who are left are not labor-
ing alone, nor particularly for our
own benefit, in a temporal point of
view; but I realize that we are call-
ed and ordained of God to labor
with him and the heavenly hosts,
in the accomplishment of his pur-
poses, the bringing forth and estab-
lishing of his Zion and kingdom in
the earth, and all that has been de-
signed to be consummated in this
the dispensation of the fulness of
times. I also sense that when I
and my brethren who still remain
shall pass away, we shall go as
others have done—we shall not
take this world or any part of it
with us. When Joseph Smith died,
Nauvoo remained, he did not take
it with him; when President Brig-
ham Young died, Salt Lake City
still remained, and when we join
them we shall leave behind us the
things of time, even as Jesus did
himself who was the founder of the
earth. This truth itself should in-
cite the Latter-day Saints to reflec-
tion, it should indelably impress
upon our memories the fact that
we are working for something far
greater in, real worth, than dollars
and cents, houses and lands and
this world's goods. We have been
gathered here in our present condi-
tion by the commandment and by
the inspiration of the Lord, to con-
tinue the work that others com-
menced, and like them we must
improve the time in doing what
is required of us, working faithful-
ly for God and his kingdom while
the day lasts.
I know, you know, and all Israel
knows who have received the ful-
ness of the everlasting gospel in
this last dispensation of God to
man, that this is the work of God
and not of man; we understand
this perfectly. This church and
kingdom has been organized by the
administration of angels from God.
The organization of this church
has been governed and controlled
by revelation and upon no other
principle, and what has already
been accomplished since our exist-
ence, as a church, reveals the han-
diwork of God, for no man could
have done what has been done un-
less God were with him. I rejoice
to have the privilege of meeting
with so many of my brethren and
sisters, and that I have the privi-
lege of bearing testimony to the
divinity of this latter-day work,
and of the principles of salvation
revealed from God to man. The
scene I behold this morning, and
that which I behold in traveling
through the extent of this Terri-
tory, speaks to me in very loud
language that it is in fulfilment of
the designs of God, and the revela-
tions of Jesus Christ, which are re-
corded not only in the Bible, or on
the stick of Judah, but also in the
Book of Mormon, or stick of Joseph
in the hands of Ephraim, as well
as in the New Testament, and
those revelations of modern date as
those of ancient time, have been
sealed with the blood of him who
brought them forth, and this tes-
tament therefore is in force to all
the world. The Lord is not trifling
with this generation, neither is he
trifling with the Saints or with the
world of mankind. During the
last 48 years the Gospel has been
preached to this generation, and this
work will continue preaching to
the Gentiles, until the Lord directs
otherwise. The harvest is ripe,
and he the Lord, said, through the
Prophet Joseph, he that would
thrust in the sickle and reap was
called of God. [Doctrine and Covenants 4:3-4] And some have
continued to labor faithfully almost
from the organization of this Church
to the present time—almost half a
century. I think it a great bles-
sing and privilege to stand in the
midst of the people of God in this
age of the world to preach the gos-
pel of Jesus, and to labor to build
up Zion, in obedience to his com-
mandments, and to carry out his
purposes in the day and age in
which I live: We, as a whole peo-
ple, should certainly exercise our
faith in God and in the revelations,
more especially those that immedi-
ately refer to our present condition;
no matter where they are found, in
any of the records of divine truth.
The Lord has said unto us, through
Joseph Smith, that it matters not
whether he speaks unto the chil-
dren of men by his own voice or by
the ministrations of angels, or whe-
ther by the voice of his servants,
that it is all the same, [Doctrine and Covenants 1:38] it is his
word, his mind and his will to
those to whomsoever it comes [Doctrine and Covenants 68:4]; and
that although the heavens and the
earth pass away, not one jot or
tittle of his word shall remain un-
fulfilled. [Matthew 5:18]
I am a believer in this revelation
and also in the records which are
left for us to persue, the inspired
words of ancient as well as modern
prophets; and I also believe that
they will have their fulfilment in
the due time of the Lord, and that
no power on earth can prevent it.
And I do not believe there has been
a revelation given from God to
man, from the days of father Adam
to this hour, but what has had its
fulfilment, or will have, as fast as
time will admit; and we are every
day of our lives making history,
and we are also fulfilling the pro-
phecies of Isaiah and many other
ancient men of God, who were per-
mitted in vision to see our day.
I know we live in a day of infidel-
ity; I know that darkness covers
the earth and gross darkness the
minds of the people [Doctrine and Covenants 112:23]; I know that
the Lord is angry with the wicked,
and withholding his spirit from the
inhabitants of the earth; I know
that light has come into the world,
and that men love darkness rather
than light, because their deeds are
evil [Doctrine and Covenants 10:21]. But as a servant of the living
God I will say that, notwith-
standing all the unbelief of this
wicked generation—the Christian,
the Jewish and the pagan world,
together with the combined efforts
of the devil and wicked men, the
fulfilment of the purposes of God
in their times and season cannot be
frustrated. [Doctrine and Covenants 3:1] These volumes of reve-
lation are written on the pages of
divine truth as in letters of fire,
and they will have their fulfilment
whether men believe or disbelieve,
for they are the words of God.
It is a great work, an almighty
work; it is a work different from
that of any dispensation which
God has given to man. When I
look upon these Latter-day Saints
I cannot help contemplating
our calling and the labor re-
quired at our hands, and, when
I am reminded of the account
that we have all got to give before
the judgment seat of God for the
use we make of our own time and
talents, and the gifts of God and
the holy priesthood, and the work
of our God which has been com-
mitted to us, I feel to ask, What
manner of men ought we to be.
Our souls should be open to the
building up of this kingdom of
God, and we should continue with
increased diligence to rear towards
heaven these temples of our God,
the foundation of which we have
laid and commenced to build upon,
so that all Israel who dwell here
may enter into them and attend to
the ordinances of the house of God.
And I again say to the Latter-day
Saints, this work the God of Israel
requires at your hands. This re-
quirement is not confined to the
Twelve, the Presidents of Stakes
and the Bishops, but it is binding
upon every man who has entered
into covenant with the Lord our
God, and I trust that one and all
will willingly share this responsi-
bility, and not for a moment per-
mit this work to drag or appear la-
borious to perform.
I thank the Lord my God that
my ears have been saluted with
the sound of the Gospel, and that I
have had the privilege of reading
the revelations of God to us, and I
know that, as an individual, I am
held responsible for my duty to
Him. We have a harvest to reap
both sides of the vail. We have
already done considerable work on
this side, by way of preaching the
Gospel to the nations of the earth,
as commanded to do by God. Well
do I remember the early experience
of the first Elders of the Church,
how we traveled afoot for thou-
sands of miles, without purse or
scrip, with valise in hand, and
many times having to beg our
bread, from door to door, in
order to impart to the
people a knowledge of the Gospel.
Our garments are clear from the
blood of this generation, [Doctrine and Covenants 112:33] and the
testimony of these elders will yet
rise in judgment against this gen-
eration to condemn them. Not-
withstanding the unbelief of the
Christian world, and notwithstand-
ing the warfare that may be waged
against God and his Christ, Zion
will be redeemed and his kingdom
will be established never more to be
thrown down. He holds the nations
in his own hands, and he also has
his saints in his holy keeping, and
he will continue to guide and direct
and sustain his people, until they
consummate all unto which they
have been ordained.
Look at these valleys! When we
came here in 1847, they were bar-
en and desolate, without the least
sign or mark of civilization. To-
day our Territory is filled with vil-
lages, towns and orchards, and the
land is brought under a good state
of cultivation, inhabited by a civil-
ized race. Who are they? Sons
and daughters of the Lord Almigh-
ty; they are a people that have been,
as corn sifted in a sieve [Amos 9:9], among
the Gentile nations, and called out
by the proclamation of the ever-
lasting Gospel. The Lord chose
a boy from the humble walks of
life, and endowed him with intelli-
gence and power to commence this
great work, and also to send forth
others throughout this and to other
nations bearing the message of life,
and this people opened their hearts
to receive it, and were baptized in
water for remission of sins, and re-
ceived the laying on of hands for
the reception of the Holy Ghost.
They have been born of the Spirit,
and they have seen the kingdom of
God, and they have received ordin-
ation in order to enter into it. And
when they enter into it, they have
the spirit of it, and this makes the
differnce between the Latter-day
Saints and the former-day Saints.
No man can see the kingdom of God
unless he is born of the Spirit [John 3:5]; and
this is wherein these Latter-day
Saints have faith in God, and ob-
serve the signs of the times, and
trust in him by this principle.
Their prayers have ascended in the
ears of the Lord of Sabbaoth, [Doctrine and Covenants 88:2] asking
for things which they stood in need
of; and he has answered our pray-
ers and he has continued to sustain
us until the present time. I ask,
my brethren and sisters, will the
Lord withhold now his hand, will
he now close the heavens, with-
drawing the power by which we
have been upheld? No, he will
not; his hand will continue over us
if we be true to him and the laws
he has given unto us. He has de-
creed before the foundation of this
world, before the fall of man, that
in the dispensation of the fulness
of times, he would gather unto
himself all things, both things
which are in heaven and things on
the earth. [Ephesians 1:10] He is doing it, although
the world generally does not know
Now, brethren and sisters, I do
not wish myself to occupy all your
time this morning, but I want to
say to you that our position, our
calling, our religion embrace the
noble work of God, both temporal
and spiritual, which rests upon us.
We have to go forth with our hands
and build up Zion. Zion will be
built up; Zion will be redeemed,
and she will arise and shine and
put on her beautiful garments; she
will break from off her neck her
yoke, and she will be clothed with
the glory of our God. Zion has
been sold for naught; she will be
redeemed without money; [Isaiah 52:1-3] she will
arise in her beauty and glory, as
the prophets of God have seen her;
she will extend her borders and
strengthen her stakes, [Doctrine and Covenants 82:14] and the God
of heaven will comfort her, inas-
much as we will unite together to
carry out his purposes.
I see nothing to tempt me or you
to turn aside from the work given
us to do. The prophets have pre-
dicted that every weapon that is
formed against Zion shall be brok-
en, and this is in accordance with
the revelations of God to us. [Isaiah 54:17] He
will continue this work and direct
its onward course, but he expects
us to continue to reclaim the
waste places, and to con-
tinue to build temples and
also to impart of our substance.
And I wish all Israel to understand
that when we impart of our sub-
stance to build temples that we do
not do it to benefit the Lord at all,
he had his endowments a long
time before we were born, and also
passed through his probation. We
are his children, he wishes to exalt
us back to his presence, and he
knows very well we are obliged to
walk in the same path and receive
the same ordinances in order to
inherit the same glory that sur-
rounds him. And when we erect
temples in which to perform ordi-
nances for the living and the dead,
we do it to benefit our own blessed
selves. I want salvation, I wish to
inherit eternal life, I wish to get
back to the presence of God from
whence I came, when I have fin-
ished my probation in the flesh.
And I believe that I desire nothing
in this respect but what you also
wish. Then I know that it re-
quires my diligence and my con-
stant labor and study, the little
time I have to spend in the flesh, to
do all I can to build up Zion and
to establish the church and the
kingdom of God upon the earth.
If we can only obtain eternal
lives we shall attain to the greatest
of God's gifts to man. Our Savior,
our Heavenly Father, the angel
Gabriel, Peter, James and John,
Joseph Smith and Brigham Young
are not coming back to build our
temples for us, they are not com-
ing to settle new country and open
up new roads, plant out our trees,
build up and beautify this land,
this is our part of the work, and
we have got it to do, working while
we live, and when we go away we
shall move on exactly as others
have done, leaving our houses our
gardens, our flocks and herds, and
all our earthly interests behind us.
And when we go to the spirit
world and our eyes are opened on
eternal lives, we shall all marvel at
the way in which our lives have
been spent. There is a vail over
all the earth, it is ordained of God
that it should be so, and the fact of
it being so will prove all of his
children whether we will abide in
his covenant even unto death or
not. And those who are not wil-
ling to abide in their covenant unto
the end for the building up of the
kingdom of God, are not worthy of
a place with God and with the
Savior and those who have sealed
their testimony with their blood.
I pray the Lord to bless you and
all those who may attend this Con-
ference, and also the brethren who
may address you; and trust that
our prayers may continually ascend
into the ears of the Lord on behalf
of Zion and her speedy redemption.
I will say before closing, that I
have just returned from St. George,
where I have been laboring in the
Temple. The work of God con-
tinues there; as a general thing we
have as much labor as the Temple
is capable of sustaining. The spirit
of the work does not lag. And I
can safely add that just as quick as
the people get the Temple done at
this place, the way will be opened
before them, they will feel the re-
sponsibility of attending to the
work so essentially necessary to be
done on behalf of those who have
lived and passed away without
having had the privilege of receiv-
ing the blessings of the Gospel; and
as their time and attention will be
occupied in this direction will they
perceive the importance as well as
the magnitude of the work. There
are many to-day who stand in need
of this assistance, and as I have
often said, so say I again to this
body of Latter-day Saints, that this
labor devolves upon us, and God
requires it at our hands. The Pro-
phet Joseph may turn the keys in
the spirit world, and he and those
engaged with him may preach to
the spirits in prison, but they can
not baptize them nor confirm them
nor administer offices of the endow-
ment. Some person or persons
dwelling in the flesh must attend
to this part of the work for them;
for it takes just as much to save a
dead man who never received the
Gospel as a living man. And all
those who have passed away with-
out the Gospel have the right to
expect somebody in the flesh to
perform this work for them. Amen.