23 John W Young Howard Young and myself took
Each of us a Mule, rode through the valley Entered the
timber on the west and South and rode for several miles
then rode on the top of a volcanic cone some 1500 feet
higher than the park and valley, here we had a view of the
country for 50 Miles on the west South & East and the
finest view I ever saw in my life of an immens forest
of fine pine timber for 50 Miles in all directions inter-
spersed with fine Parks the sink in the top of the conn [cone]
was about 100 feet deep covered with timber and
grass. the Timber land had no under brush but was
covered with grass like a meadow. The timber was from
6 inches to 4 feet through from 50 to 150 feet tall many
trees from 40 to 50 feet to a limb. The country
abounds with Deer Antilope, Turkeys, & some Bear
wild Cats & Panther I rode some 20 miles on Mule
Back the most I had ridden in 20 years in one day 20 m[iles]
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