15 Sunday I met with the Saints at the mill at 11 oclok Brother
McLellin Prayed W Woodruff spoke one hour on fulfillm[en]t
of revelation and Prophesy, spoke of Jeremiah, being ordained
a Prophet to the Nations before He was born Jer Ch. 1, And all
his prophesies concerning Jerrusalem & Babylon were all fulfilled
so with all the world [word] of the Lord concerning the last days
be fullfilled. I met with the Sabbath school in the Afternoon
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I went into the Mountain alone & built an Altar of stone and Dedicated the land to God for the Benefit of the Saints.
W Woodruff spoke one hour on fulfillment of Revelation and Prophesy, spoke of Jeremiah, being ordained a Prophet to the Nations before He was born Jer Ch 1, And all his prophesies concerning Jerrusalem & Babylon were all fulfilled so with all the world [word] of the Lord concerning the last days be fulfilled.
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