Day in the Life

Jun 29, 1879

Journal Entry

June 29, 1879 ~ Sunday

June 29 Sunday Met at 10 oclok, Br Mann Prayed, W Woodruff
then read 121 sec in D.C. & 130 sec 15 to 21 verses and spoke
One hour & 20 M[inutes], & John Oakey 35 M. Afternoon Jeremiah
spoke 56 M, W Woodruff spoke 10 M on the sacramet
Lot Smith 13, Jesse N Smith 10 M. At the close of the Meeting
we went to the House of Jesse N Smith & W Woodruff
Ordained One Bishop 2 High Priests 2 councillors set apart
Keys crossed 2 Missioneries to the Lamanites I administered to 3 sick


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Smith, Jesse Nathaniel
2 Dec 1834 - 5 Jun 1906
5 mentions
Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
365 mentions

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Discourse 1879-06-29

Elder Wilford Woodruff Addressed the conference, read some from the Dotctrine and Covenants. Said he was a believer in revealation, and by reading them a people or nation could read their destiny. Spoke of the power of the priesthood, it was confered on man to perform a certain work, it was given to Joseph Smith by the ancient apostles, and new principals are revealed from time to time as we are able to receive them and carry them out, we should learn all we can, knowledge and the priesthood is all we will take with us when we die, we brought nothing with us when we came here. Spoke at length on our duties, the prophecies &c, that had been given us for our guidance. Refered to the death of his son in Cash Valley and the manifestations that was made to him concerning it, theat the Lord calls those he can handle. Spoke of his first mission and his labors in the temple. We will have to have more temples, we have got to redeem the dead, we should be prepared for the coming of the Son of Man.

Discourse 1879-06-29

Elder Wilford Woodruff Spoke of the Lords supper, and read a revolation to Joseph Smith upon the subject, refered to the great events that are at our doors, saying that It will be but a few years till the nations of the earth are broken up. Our nation will follow as the Jarenodites and Nephites did.

Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)

June 29 Sunday we Met at 10 oclok Br Mann opened By Prayer 5 more Missionaries were then called W W then read the 3 121 section in the D. C. & 130 sec. 15 to 21 verse & spoke one hour and 20 M & John Oakey 35 M.

Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)

Afternoon Jeremiah Hatch spoke 56 M[inutes] W W spoke 10 M. on the sacrament Lot Smith 13 M. Jesse N Smith 10 M At the close of the Meeting we met at the House of Jesse N Smith W W ordained one Bishop 2 High Priests, 2 councillers set apart 2 Missionaries to the Lamanites I administered to 3 sick

Jun 29, 1879