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Day in the Life

Aug 3, 1879

Journal Entry

August 03, 1879 ~ Sunday

3 Sunday Petone and company went out hunting I with my
Brethren remained in camp and rested. Petone & co killed 8
Deer and Antilope Br Flake and Joseph Kay arived at our
camp we held a meeting in the Evening with Petone and his band


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17 mentions
2 mentions
Flake, William Jordan
3 Jul 1839 - 10 Aug 1932
18 mentions

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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
3 Sunday Petone & co. went out Hunting. I with my Brethren remained in camp & Rested. They killed 8 Deer & Antilope. Brother Flake & Joseph Kay arived at our camp, we held a Meeting in the Evening with Petone & his band. Brother Flake was the Interpetor in Spanish. I talked to him about one hour concerning the Gospel, the Book of Mormn & our relationship to them, all of which He was deeply interested in. We had prayers with them Night & morning & prayed the Great Spirit to Bless them on their hunt that they might have meat
Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
Meet for their wives & children Petone wanted me to go home with him at Forest Dale that I might talk with Pedro the Peace Chief I told him I would go

Aug 3, 1879