Day in the Life

Oct 20, 1879

Journal Entry

October 20, 1879 ~ Monday

20. A crown In company with Lot Smith his son Willard
Ira Hatch & Brother Brookbank, we started for the Moque
villages we drove on the west side some 10 Miles then
crossed the little Colorada to the East side stoped awhile at
Comiazi camp A Navajoe chief saw his wife weaving
Blankets. Drove Down the river on the East side over
quite rough ground for 10 miles & camped for the night 20 M[iles]


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8 mentions
Native American
Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
365 mentions
50 mentions
Smith, Willard Richards
31 Jul 1872 - 29 Jul 1951


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
Oct 20. In company with Lot Smith & son Willard & Ira Hatch & Br Brookbank we left Sunset to visit the Moque villages we drove on the North east side of the river some 10 Miles then crossed to Comiazi camp a Navajoe Chief stoped a short time with him then drove down the river on the East side over quite rough ground for 10 Miles & camped for the night 20 M[iles].

Oct 20, 1879