March 1, 1880
I Wilford Woodruff are 73
yers of age this day. I thank my
Heavenly Father for the Preservation
of my life for this long Period and
for his blessings over me My last birth day was spent
in the Temple of the Lord in St George. To day I am in Sunset
fort Apache Co Arizona. The people are busy getting up a
celebration and dinner for me. And I am receiving
many birth day presents from young and old I receivd
^ a letter from Br E Snow. I received a rug from Brigham
City Sisters containing the word Union Another rug from
the Sunset Sisters, One pair of lace home made curtains knit
by hand, A silver large spoon from a Danish Sister. Sister
Fuller a nice tidy, Sister Johannah Haskell a large silk Handkerchief
of her Father Edwardrs, A silk Hankerchief from Caroline
Lemasler, several Book marks from the young ladies Two
nice cakes from the Sisters, God Bless our home by Miss
Emma Fuller Poetry by Lizzie Skinner, 2 Birthday cakes
by Brigham City Sisters, 1 pair of home made stockings
from the wool by Sister Adams, about 100 g^u^ests guests sat
down to the table, some poetry composed for the occasion was read
at the Table And a card was presented to me we celebrate thy
birthday, was the motto A company of little girls sang the
song "Papa come home" The young Ladies sang "do they Pray
for me at home" I attended a party at Brigham City in
honor of my Birthday and departure we left about 11 oclok
and returned to Sunset to spend to spend the night
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