Day in the Life

Apr 13, 1880

Journal Entry

April 13, 1880 ~ Tuesday

13 RI returned to the City we had a driving snow storm
& the Rail Road Depo Tellegraph Station & Deckers Eating House
all burned to the ground to day I wrote Letters to Wm Freeman
A hand pointing to the right J D T McAllister Farnsworth & Joseph H Watkins I visited
Judge Elias Smith who was vary sick I administered
ho [to] him and He was soon better & had a good nights rest


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Smith, Elias, b. 1804
6 Sep 1804 - 24 Jun 1888
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
661 mentions
Farnsworth, Moses Franklin
5 Feb 1834 - 25 Feb 1906


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Letter to John Taylor and Council, 13 April 1880
Salt Lake City . To President Taylor and the Council Dear Brethren, While at the Colorado Ferry I looked over the Ferry a/c while in the hands of Mr Fouts. I found that two- thirds of the receipts had been paid to those who had run the Ferry. I proposed to Bro. John- son that he take charge of the Ferry and that he receive one half of the Ferry receipts and the products raised on the place. He to fur- nish all assistance for running the Ferry. I recommended also that he have one uniform rate of Ferriage either $150 or $200 per wagon. But all these propositions were to be submitted to the Council of the Twelve for their actions. W Woodruff
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
13 I returned to the City we had a driving snow storm and the rail road Depo telegraph station & the Decker Tower at Sandy all burned I wrote [FIGURE} Letters to Wm Freeman J. D. T. McAllister Farnsworth & Joseph H Watkins. I visited Judge Elias Smith who was vary sick I administered to him and He was soon better & had a good nights rest


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Apr 13, 1880