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Day in the Life

Apr 20, 1880

Journal Entry

April 20, 1880 ~ Tuesday

20 [FIGURE 10] [FIGURE 1] I received 2 letters from John W Young & Leathhead
I Paid $50 to John Jack for a Brother at Nephi to Emigrate
a woman from England the money was from John Vichers
I wrote Letters to L. H. Hatch & John W Young I met in council &
Prayer Circle in the Afternoon A certain Revelation was spoke off
Brother & Sister Snow spent a part of the Evening with me & Turner


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Snow, Artemisia Beman
3 Mar 1819 - 21 Dec 1882
7 mentions
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
645 mentions
3 mentions
11 mentions
Vickers, John
5 mentions
Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
300 mentions
58 mentions


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Letter to John Willard Young, 20 April 1880
Salt Lake City, . Mr. John W. Young. Dear Brother, I have just received your letter this morning, and I will say that I think it is all right and would be a good thing if the brethren could take contracts on the railroad, to help them- selves so that they could get bread and means. I would like to know where the railroad is coming. Concern- ing the telegram I will say that Prest. Taylor's views were that the Presidents of Stakes should have an oversight over the Co-op. stores and contracts on the railroad. I sent you a letter on the 12th of April in a letter to Lot Smith, in which I gave an account of matters up to that date, which I hope you got. Brother William Peterson called on me this morning, in- quiring about you and your affairs.
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
April 20 [FIGURES] I received 2 letters from John W Young and John Leadhead I paid to John Jack $50 in cash for a Brother at Nephi to Emigrate a woman from England the money was from John Vichers I wrote Letters to Lorenzo H Hatch & John W Young [FIGURE] I met in council in the Afternoon {shorthand} was spoken off Br & Sister Snow spent a part of the Evening with me {shorthand}


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Apr 20, 1880