Day in the Life

Apr 21, 1880

Journal Entry

April 21, 1880 ~ Wednesday

21 Still cold weather I wrote 7 Letters to A. M. Tenney, Phebe
A hand pointing to the right & Br Christofferson also to Lot Smith Mary Smith Mother
Johnson & George Lake I also sent him an order for 30 Bushels
of wheat for Br Watkins of St John I met in council in the
Afternoon Keys crossed {Fifty} at the City Hall A variety of subjects discussed


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Tenney, Ammon Meshach
16 Nov 1844 - 28 Oct 1925
Lake, George
15 Sep 1838 - 23 Mar 1898
Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
365 mentions
Smith, Mary Merinda Garn
5 Nov 1852 - 17 Mar 1916
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1581 mentions


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Letter to Ammon Meshach Tenney, 21 April 1880
Ammon M. Tenney Dear Brother: I have tried to get time to write to you ever since I have reached Salt Lake City, but have never been in a situation to give you any information for the want of time and getting certain business done before the Council. Bro. Taylor got a letter from J. W. Y. -[John W. Young]- saying that you had more missionaries than was necessary at the Meadows to hold the claims so you was going to put some of them into the Missionary field. I was glad to learn this. If you have men to spare, the sooner the better. Bro. Young telegraphed that you, Christofferson and himself were at Albuquerque to buy goods for a Co-op Store, and he spoke about taking contracts on the Railroad for our people. If the brethren could unite together and take a contract so as to pay, I think it would be a good thing, so as to get their bread. Now, concerning St. Johns. How is that a going? Bro. Hatch wrote me that somebody was sent as an Agent to borrow 100 cows to make the first payment of Bro. Flake. I was in hopes that the people who went there would be able to raise that first hundred cows. I wish you would write to me an[d] let me know how matters are at St. Johns, and what arrangements you have made for entering the land. I have got the privilege from Bro. Taylor and Council to use all tithing stock in the Territory to help pay for St. Johns, unless the brethren can occupy the land and pay for it. This may be used as a loan and repaid when the people pay; I shall write to Lot and Jesse N. Smith and Richards of St. Joseph to unite with the tithing stock what they can, for we do not want that purchase to fail and I want you to call upon Christofferson of Round Valley, Bp. Hunt and Jesse N. Smith of Snow- flake, Bp. Richards of St. Joseph and Lot Smith of Sunset, and Bp. Lake of Brigham City to gather the tithing stock, and you use it for the payment on that purchase as a loan, keeping a strict account of what tithing stock you use for the purpose. I shall write to them about it. I wish you would write to me as soon as you get this, and tell me how things are with you, and what you have paid on St. Johns, and what the prospect is. Tell me where the railroad is going and what the prospect is for our brethren to take jobs on it, and what rate. Direct from W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah Box 321. I feel anxious to hear from you, and want to know what missionaries you have in the field and where, and any news I will be glad to get. My kind regards to Sister Tenney and all the brethren with you. Your brother in the Gospel, W. Woodruff
Letter to Lot Smith, 21 April 1880
Salt Lake City, . President Lot Smith. Dear Brother—I have a good many things I want to say to you with my pen, but up to the present hour I have found but very little time. We have been in either coun- cils, conferences, or meetings, of some kind, ever since I came home. I wrote to you on the 12th and sent the ti- thing receipts and a letter to J. W. Y. Since then I have received a letter from J. W. Y., saying they were buying goods at Albuquerque for Young, Christofferson, and others. He also spoke about taking a contract on the railroad for our people. President Taylor and myself telegraphed back that the co-op. stores should be under the direction of the presidency of the stakes and those who furnish the money.
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
21. Still cold weather I wrote Letters to Ammon M Tenney & Peter J [FIGURE] Christofferson in one I wrote to Lot Smith to Mary Smith Mother Johnson to George Lake I sent all in Lot Smith Letter I also sent him the order for 30 Bushels of wheat for Br Watkins of St John I met in council in the Afternoon [FIGURE] at the City Hall a variety of subjects wer Discussed


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Apr 21, 1880