Day in the Life

Apr 25, 1880

Journal Entry

April 25, 1880 ~ Sunday

25 I visited Mrs Roskelley she was quite sick I administered to her
Sunday I attended the sabbath school & spoke to the children 30 Minutes
I met the people at 1 oclok Edward Stafford spoke 45 M, W Woodruff
one hour I took supper with Br Roskelley and Met with the
people in the Evening and gave them a history of my travels
among the Lamanites & spoke two Hours


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Roskelley, Samuel
1 Jan 1837 - 10 Feb 1914

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Discourse 1880-04-25
Apostle Woodruff, spoke of the good effects of Sabbath Schools & Mutual Improvement as- sociations, when he took a retrospective and prospective look; he could see the good that would be accomplished by the Young, there- fore he was interested in the welfare of both Schools & Associations, advised the Young to be careful in forming their characters from 8 to 18 as it would govern there after lives in a great measure also their future destiny after life. Counselled all to not spend their time in reading novels, but to read the revelations of God, felt a great interest in the Revelations contained in the Doc & Cov, also the Bible & Book Mormon, had spent the past 9 months with ^a^ people living in the U.O. and had not heard an oath or quareling in that time had not seen them drinking tea or Coffee or spirituous liquors, nor chewing or smoking tobacco exhorted the teachers to give good and correct teachings to the boys and girls, and they in turn give heed to the teachings given, there was no greater field of labor than the Sabbath School, and Mutual Improvement As- sociations. Death Was a Speperation of friends here, and a meeting on the other side of the vail, births was a seperation in the spirit world while it was a joy here. exhorted all to attend their prayers & other duties.
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
25 Sunday I visited Mrs Roskelley she was quite sick I administered to her I attended the Sabbath School and spoke to them 30 [minutes] I Met the people at 1 oclok Edward Stafford spoke 45 M[inutes]. W Woodruff one hour I took supper at Br Roskelley & Met with the people in the Evening and gave them a history of my travels among the Lamanites & spoke 2 Hours


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Apr 25, 1880