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Day in the Life

May 23, 1880

Journal Entry

May 23, 1880 ~ Sunday

23 I took cars with Mrs Phebe W, Sister Horn & J F Smith
and rode to Farmington took breakfast with Ezra Clark
Attended Meeting in the Meeting House at 10 oclok with the young
& young Ladies Mutual association. Wm Barton Prayed
Minuts read, & verbar [verbal] reports of both societies given J F
Smith then spoke 30 M[inutes] Afternoon Thomas J Steed Prayed

Sacrament Administered and the officers of the society presented
and sustained Mrs Horn spoke 12 M[inutes]. Mrs P W Woodruff spoke 12
W. Woodruff spoke one hour we took cars & returned home 36 M[iles]


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Clark, Ezra Thompson
23 Nov 1823 - 17 Oct 1901
33 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
3567 mentions
20 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1544 mentions
2 mentions
2 mentions


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Daybook (October 24 1879 - January 31 1881)
May 23. I took cars with Mrs Woodruff & Sister Horn & J F Smith rode to Farmington took Breakfast with Ezra Clark Met in the Meeting House at 10 oclok with the Young Men & Young Ladies Mutual Association Wm Barton Prayed Young Men & Young Ladies Minutes read and verbal reports of both societies given J F Smith then spoke 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon prayer by Thomas J Steed. sacrament Administered and the officers of the Societies presented & sustained Mrs Horn spok 12 Minutes Mrs P W Woodruff spoke 12 M[inutes] W Woodruff spoke one hour we took cars & returned home 18 Miles


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May 23, 1880