Day in the Life

Sep 17, 1880

Journal Entry

September 17, 1880 ~ Friday

17 A hand pointing to the right It rained to day I took up a load of Barley & returned to the city
A folded letter/box I received 4 letters & wrote 4 letters


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Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
17 It rains to day I took up a load of Barley & returned to the City [FIGURES] I received Letters from M F Farnsworth Jesse N. Smith Bulah Woodruff & Daniel Tyler I wrote a Letter to John Sharp giving him a recommend for Jarus J Woodruff to get work I wrote a Letter to Phebe & Susan ask if they got my Letter I also wrote to Br Christofferson


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Pearl of Great Price officially accepted as scripture by the membership of the Church.

Sep 17, 1880