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Day in the Life

Dec 23, 1880

Journal Entry

December 23, 1880 ~ Thursday

23 [FIGURE] I wrote 4 letters to David John Br Perry, West & Preston


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John, David
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Letter to David John, 23 December 1880
David John, Dear Brother— I write to say that Bishop Udell, of St. John, Arrizona has been with us, and something has got to be done to secure that place, or we shall loose it. The Trustee in Trust has loaned Brother Udell 270 cows to meet the next pay- ment in May. But we must have men to go there as early as possible, to take possession of the land and water, in the Spring, in order to controll it. President Taylor has laid it upon me to call for the men in the various Stakes and have them pre- pare themselves to go this winter or early in the spring. Some ought to go this winter. Bro. Smoot was appointed last year to gather up a company from Utah Stake to go there, but there was nothing done about it. We called for 30 families at Ogden conference, last Sunday, and we want 30 families from Utah Stake. We must have some 200 fam- ilies to go there to take possession of that place. Many were called last year but few went. And those
Daybook (October 24 1879 - January 31 1881)
23rd [FIGURE] I wrote ^4^ Letters to David John, Br Peery, West, & Wm B. Preston


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford appointed General President of Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association.

Dec 23, 1880