took the stand, expressing his satis-
faction with the fair showing of the
Associations as manifested by the
morning's report. There was some-
thing he had on his mind, to present
to the congregation. First he re-
ferred to the Prophet Joseph who
had been raised up to lay the founda-
tion of this great Church and King-
dom, through the revelations of the
Lord. The speaker gave a rapid
outline of the many glorious mani-
festations received by the Prophet
Joseph, from time to time. All the
glories and exaltations ever granted
to man were bestowed upon him.
The 109th section of the Doctrine
and Covenants was then read, con-
taining the great visions received by
Joseph and the Twelve at the occa-
sion of the dedication of the Temple
at Nauvoo. These visions are the
testimony of Joseph Smith having
received the keys of the Kingdom.
In the winter of 1838 to [18]39 Joseph
Smith called the Twelve together in
the city of Nauvoo, giving to them
their endowments as Apostles. El-
der Woodruff here bore a strong tes-
timony to the truth of these endow-
ments having been given by Joseph
to the Apostles. The Prophet taught
the Twelve many things pertaining
to the priesthood and revealed to
them their duties, rejoicing greatly
in being privileged to confer the keys
and powers of the holy priesthood
upon other men to remain on earth
forever and ever. The Prophet also
told the Twelve that he would not
live to see the Temple built, but
they would, and it was now their
duty to bear off the Kingdom. The
room where Joseph was talking of
the things of God was full with holy
influences. The responsbility rest-
ing upon the Twelve is not to be
thrown off; neither can any member
of the priesthood refuse to bear off
the Kingdom, or they will come un-
der condemnation. He had no am-
bition, but the desire to do his duty
towards the Kingdom of God, and
the longer he lived and had the vis-
ion of his mind open to him, the
less he cared for the things and
wealth of this world. It was his
duty, as a father in Israel to counsel
the people, since the Prophet and
many of the original Twelve have
gone beyond. Seeing the fast ap-
proach of departure from this stage
of action, it was his duty to improve
his time and counsel the people with
all the wisdom imparted by the spir-
it of the Lord. The speaker then
gave some valuable counsel to the
young with regard to the libraries
they intended starting, warning
them against the pernicious reading
of novels and advising them to get
books of valuable information where-
with to store their minds, such as
historical works, descriptions of
travels in foreign countries and simi-
lar instructive publications.
Through the reading of history,
the young will learn of the marvel-
ous and righteous dealing of God
with the various nations of the world
in ancient times and modern. This
the speaker illustrated very interest
ing by the Persian King Cyrus who
was prospered in all undertakings,
for his virtue, temperance, mercy
and justice. History all through the
long ages teaches us that whenever
a people turned from righteousness
unto wickedness, it was visited with
the chastisements of the Almighty
who would always find somebody
to execute His decrees. Thus the
Jews under Zedekiah were destroy-
ed or led into captivity by the Baby-
lonian King, [2 Kings 25:1-9] and afterwards Baby-
lon was destroyed and subjugated
by Cyrus, whom the Lord had raised
up to fulfill His purposes. [2 Chronicles 36:22-23]
The speaker recommended the
Histories of Rollin and Josephus as
valuable reading matter, proving the
fulfillment of the prophecies of the
servants of God, as instanced so
prominently by Josephus' record of
the destruction of Jerusalem under
the Roman Emperor Titus. These
works give true history, imparting
valuable knowledge, and they ought
to be in the libraries of the young
and old. With the history of these
ancient nations and their successive
overthrow and downfall we ought to
realize the importance of our own
position. We are stepping on to the
platform of the millennium; ap-
proaching the world's great crisis.
What we have before us should stim-
ulate the young to activity and vig-
lance in bearing off the Kingdom.
It is only the Latter-day Saints who
are expected of God to do His will
and work. Zion never shall be over-
thrown, the world may vex and dis-
tress us but they cannot overthrow
us, or the Church and Kingdom of
God. No people ever held such a
position as do the young people of
this Church. Therefore the speak-
er takes such a transcendent inter-
est in the welfare of themselves and
their institutions. It is by the in-
spiration of God that Joseph Smith
and the Twelve have borne the testi-
mony of the Gospel to all the world.
The sons now rising up will have
the burden of the Kingdom on their
shoulders and their situation will,
in a sense, be different from that of
their fathers. Storms and wars will
then stir up destruction all around,
but they will be preserved even un-
til the coming of Christ. The young
were exhorted to go before the Lord
in prayerful humility and they would
receive His spirit and a testimony of
the truth of the gospel. This is a
Kingdom that is destined to triumph
and stand. The signs of the times
are plainly indicating the rear ap-
proach of the Lord. Our own na-
tion is turning against us in hatred
and with persecution, although the
constituton is as broad and wide as
the universe. The corruption,
wickedness and abomination of the
world are calling down the judgments
of the Almighty, now as they ever
did in former ages. The speaker
can plainly see the things awaiting
both Zion and Babylon, for God is a
just judge who metes out rewards
and punishments to all impartially.
Elder Woodruff then addressed a
powerful exhortation to the young,
to put on the armor of the gospel,
avoiding all sin and striving after
virtue, and to the older Saints to
attend to their progress in faith and
sincerity. We have wants and op-
presions known to the Lord, for He
will fight our battles, causing the
wicked to slay the wicked. Let all
the house of Israel hear the word of
the Lord, for all the prophecies and
promises of the Lord will surely be
fulfilled. The edifying discourse
was brought to an end with a fervent
prayer for the blessings of God to
rest upon all Israel.