Day in the Life

Nov 24, 1881

Journal Entry

November 24, 1881 ~ Thursday

24 The Brethren watered their horses at a well this morning
and the water being warm it was thought the Horses drank
to much and they scoured a good Deal in the forenon
at Noon several were sick and some were [illegible]
Joseph F Smiths Hors drviven By Brothe[r] Barret was
bled in the mouth and was (given half a pint of
Kareosiene oil which I would have thought would have
Killed him) but the horse went off all righ[t] But Br HouseHouse
did nothing for his horse and when we got to Mary vale
the Horse was dead in 5 Minutes after the Harness was
off from him He felt vary bad But Br Taylor herd
of it & sent for us we called upon him & he said you
get the Best Horse you can & I will pay for i[t] as it is a

Church affair and I do not wish you to loose
it He bought a horse of Br Silvester for $100 & Br
Taylor Paid for it. we Nooned at Hugh D Lisenbee
who said He would Entertain all we sent to him
24 we drove to Mary vale and spent the night 23 M[iles]


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Nov 24, 1881