Day in the Life

Jan 10, 1882

Journal Entry

January 10, 1882 ~ Tuesday

10 I spent the day in the office writing in my Journal untill 10 oclk
I administered to Br Wm Player who was vary sick


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Letter from Lorenzo Hunsaker, 10 January 1882
Co, Utah Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: According to request of Prest John Morgan, I write you to inform you, that I was released from traveling Elder, in the "Tennessee Conference," on the 13 of october 1881. Immediately, on recieving my release I proceeded to Ill, & Mousuria, to lay the principles of the Gospel before my Fathers relatives. held 30 meetings, and won several friends to the cause. Reached home on 31st of Dec 1881. Left oct 27th 1879, having been gone two years two months, and 4 days. With all good wishes I remain your brother, in the Gospel of Christ Lorenzo Hunsaker. Honeyville Boxelder County Utah. Lorenzo Hunsaker Jan 10, 1882 for H. O. off [smudged with ink] [upside-down text] October 27, 1879. 31 December 1881. Lorenzo Hunsaker's Mission. [end of upside-down text]


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Jan 10, 1882