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Day in the Life

Apr 24, 1882

Journal Entry

April 24, 1882 ~ Monday

24. [FIGURE] I took cars and rode to Salt Lake I received
4 Letters I spent a part of the day auditing accounts


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Letter from Alexander Findlay Macdonald, 24 April 1882
Pres. W. Woodruff Dear Brother As suggested I herewith enclose the letter of Bro John. W. Campbell of St David, Cochise Co. Arizonia, also state what we have done, and our our ideas in part in regard to making locations in northern Sonora, Mexico. Last January while visiting the settlements on the Gila, and San Pedro Rivers, we also purposed going over the line into Sonora on a prospecting tour; but other matters coming up; we counselled with Bros. M. J. Trejo. and J. W. Campbell, on the best point, and course to be taken in making location over the line. Bro H. W. Brizzee who is somewhat aquainted with the country and


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

First Presidency counsels men to live with "only one wife under the same roof."
Sixth Constitutional Convention for Utah held; Congress rejects petition for statehood on February 23, 1883.

Apr 24, 1882