6 I rode to Logan to attend the conference Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By Loren Farr C. W. Preston spoke 15 M. The Bishops
of the various wards then reported verbally the condition of the
various wards 7 spoke Then C. W. Penrose spoke 45 Minutes
Afternoon Prayer By Br Marshall The Stake Statistics
were then read. all the Temple Donations up to the Present time
amounting to $388,048.11 cts Erastus Snow then spoke one hour
& 8 M[inutes]. He read the 19 ch of Exidus & 6 verse and the Lord said unto
the House of Irsrael "ye shall be unto me a kingdom of Priests" W. Woodruff
spoke 20 M. The statistics gave Cache valley stake 7307
members 10902 Officers & Members, 5036 children under
8 years of age & 15938 souls At the close of the Meeting I ret[urn]ed
to Smithfield it was vary cold & windy. 16 Miles
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